7 Ways to Wellness During Quarantine

In our culture, wellness is a word that is often tossed around but what does it truly mean and where do you begin? 2020 has been a holistically demanding year for many of us and to help you with a starting point, I have provided 7 starting points toward your wellness that can start today.

Remember , this is your journey and no one else’s so identify what works for you and you only ok?

Create a Morning Routine

The morning truly sets the tone for your entire day- mastering this intentional time yields great clarity and strength for the remainder of the day. The morning routine is unique to you and your needs and can encompass anything from meditation and working out to sitting in silence, journaling, prayer or taking vitamins. Again, it’s up to you!!

Find a Workout Regiment You Love

It is recommended to get your body moving 3-4 times a week. Due to COVID, working out in a gym may not be the safest option, however you can create a routine that is perfect for your home. Purchasing essentials such as a yoga mat, jump rope, elastic bands or other items may help increase efficiency. Watch your favorite online youtube influencer, join a class, or hire a trainer- whatever works for you!


Master 7 Lunch and 7 Dinner Options

“What will I cook today,” is a common question for most cooks. Mastering meals and building upon the collection will allow you to ease into the expert role with a great selection. Keep a list of those meals & details in a collective space so that you can grab the instructions and go.


Drink Water

Identify your best method of water intake (ex: filling a water bottle daily, purchasing bottled water, etc.). A lack of water has a great impact on your body. Drinking water hydrates your skin, flushes out your body, & provides energy amongst its many advantages.


Develop Mental Health Regiments

Stress is all around you and it is quite impossible to avoid. Having systems in place to protect your peace and energy is essential. What systems can you set in place to protect your mind? Write down a few personal and professional options that may suite you best. Be unapologetic about protecting your peace!


Initiate Calls and Texts Weekly

To avoid isolation and loneliness, initiate communication with those you gain energy from. If you desire to chat, do not wait on others to reach out to you. An unscheduled call or text can go a long way for your socialization. Spontaneity is good and community is essential.


Limit Social Media Usage

Advertisement and opinions are all around us and social media has a great influence on our culture. Limit your usage by replacing it with more meaningful forms of entertainment. Write down 3 things that you can do if the excessive urge of swiping comes upon you.

I hope these tips were helpful. Let’s stay connected! Join our mailing list or our youtube at RISING with Christian.

Quarantine Tips From an Inmate: My Father

Quarantine Tips From an Inmate: My Father

Never in a million years did I think I would have my incarcerated father be a guest on my blog. Let me share with you how this post came about. In the midst of COVID-19, social distancing, and quarantine I have heard one phrase being repeated constantly. The words replaying in the minds of many is, “I feel like I am in prison.”